
This page displays a wide range of images and video encompassing Jess’ art practice. For details about each video, please refer to the text description at the linked video. For more images and documentation about the Paper Speaker project, please refer to this presentation at Columbia University, April 2017, or the Instructables page with links, images, and instructions on how to build your own flexible, embedded speakers
or visit: Jess’ work at the Center for New Music and Audio TechnologiesFor details about Jess’ music, please visit her page at Edgetone Records to hear samples of music, and view releases. Many more examples and images of the sound art can be found here.


Foil Prints and audio pieces:

cropped-circlespeaker4Doc-1.jpg  cropped-PaperSpeakerJess-e1369790416595-1.jpg tapestryFromBAM4web DD_heart3DD

Flexible, flat, one channel speaker

Flexible, flat, one channel speaker

copper foil on paper

True stereo audio speaker earrings:
