
Jess Rowland most recent release, Plastiglomerates is released under Innova Records.


Earlier releases are represented by Edgetone Records.

 Spambots, can be found here at Edgetone Records:spamcover

“‘Spambots’ is hallucinogenic enough on its own, no drugs required. Interesting in small doses, unpredictable when swallowed whole.”
Steve Mecca – Chain D.L.K.

Here’s a the music video for “Plastoglomerate” from the Spambots release:

Other releases:

The Endless Fall of the Infallible See, on Edgetone Records:

“Dizzying both in scope and in ideas, The Endless Fall of the Infallible See (and the Future Imagery Architecture) is one the year’s best records and certainly one of the most daring.  Jess Rowland mines many genres and intellectual sacred cows, and blends and shreds until she creates from them her own whimsical nightmares.”

-Mike Wood, Foxy Digitalis


The Problem with the Soda Machine


The Shape of Poison (Music for Dance, Live)


Scenes From the Silent Revolution


The Lifeboat Is On Fire

