Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Audio Speaker
The electronical yurt of the artist-at-large
Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Audio Speaker
The Spambots have been tagged and released into the sonic ruins of consumer bliss point singularity. Come visit! Spambots is the latest installment of experimental muzak by Jess Rowland, featuring the drumming of Pete Stalsky. With! Many text-to-speech Spambots, Corporate Mascots, Smooth Jazz Damage, Data Mines, Foundation Pits, Melodies without notes . . . . and then the spambots attack. Now available here.
hmmm . . I call it a “laptop” music performance. But not what you think. Yes, i make music with a laptop. By destroying it with implements of destruction. Thanks to Meyer Sound for the donation of destroyable elctronics! (No useful electronics were harmed during the performance.)
You can see a video of my run-through performance here:
If anyone has video from the actual show, I would really appreciate a copy!
Come see and hear my Talking Garden. I’ll be presenting this public interactive sound art as part of Figment:Boston.
If you’re in the Boston area, check it out – I’ll be somewhere in the bambo
o garden on Sumner Ave in Chinatown, Boston. Come talk to the trees!
With all my favorite bands:
The Rabbles
and the chaudiest of them all –
Alabaster Chaud
Also: Latest Music Release Now Avaialble (temporarily!) on Youtube. Feel free to give it a listen and let me know what you think – – –
The Latest Transmission from the Electronical Yurt of the Artist at Large:
I’m sure you have probably made that usual new years
resolution to see more John Cage Musicircuses before the Mayan
Apocalypse Times. Let this be the year you
fulfill your destiny!
Experience John Cage’s MUSICIRCUS: Over 30 performers, films,
tutorials, workshops and more.
Saturday January 28th 2012, 1:30pm until 5:00pm
Walt Disney Family Museum, 104 Montgomery Street, The Presidio of San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94129
But what’s a musicircus you ask? “First performed in 1967, John Cage’s
MUSICIRCUS is simply an invitation for performers to assemble and play
together – a “happening” where multiple performances occur
simultaneously to create new and unusual configurations.”
ALSO: I’ll be presenting new ahtwork as part of the Berkeley MFA in
Art Practice 1st year exhibit. Come see or hear the Sound Tower, and
complex, computer-frying, Max patches which do absolutely nothing!
The Worth Ryder Art Gallery 116 Kroeber Hall
Opening Wednesday, January 25, 5-8 PM
January 25-February 11, 2012
Oh, one last thing. I put my last release from Edgetone Records up on
youtube temporarily for the New Year. You can check it out here:
the album can be purchased or downloaded here!:
So – Happy New Year!